Yoga Heart

Easy for people to maintain their mental health and daily release time.


1 Months ( From research to mockup)


Product Designer - User Research. UI UX Design. Develop


70% of people globally work remotely at least once a week

Because of the COVID-19. Global work mode totally different than before, the pandemic still really worse in every country. 70 % of professionals work remotely at least one day a week, while 53 percent work remotely for at least half of the week.

I have some friends who work from home for few months already. I found they have some mental health problems. Mostly anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, and they are not easy to release pressure. Also, many countries still lockdown or have a high risk to stay outside doing exercise.  

In turns of these reasons. I want to make a project for that. Focus on the work from home people who need to keep their mental health and body health on the standard. I want to develop an app no need any fitness equipment, simple to start, so I choose yoga to reduce anxiety every day.

Market  Research

There are many apps such as Daily Yoga on the market. However, these apps tend to focus on different types of yoga and show yoga poses. Not much focus on users' mental health and their feeling. It's difficult to identify how yoga help.  

Research from medical news and article, quite more mental health symptoms relative to heart palpitations and rapid breathing. So it's necessary to measure the user's heart rate to check for the effect of yoga is negative or positive. And compare the difference before and after yoga.

Understanding User

I collect feedback from the Top 5 yoga apps in the App store. And also interviewing five potential users, I analyzed the data. Get the following conclusion :


I consolidated the research result and created two personas based on what we learned from the research. It helped to understand who we're designing for and what would be the most important things we should stick on.

Aligning user goals with business goals

Problems & Goal

Problems 1
Most of yoga apps focus on various types of classes, lack a tracking system for user to check stress relief level.

When people use yoga app, they saw many types of yoga but they didn’t know which is best for them. Most of users knew yoga good for emancipate pressure. But they can’t evaluate when they need to do yoga and how much benefit it brings to them.

Problems 2
Some specific features let user feeling very struggling.

We can see in the feedback and interview, app’s feature lack few things, speed controller for different level users, and separate video and audio let user can listen what they want, last one is make Mac anD PC version cause phone screen too small for some users.


‘‘ Launch a simple app that helps people have proper relaxation and maintain their mental health."



To determine user’s stress level needs to gain inside user’s mind. And keep them regularly have relaxation habits.


human being in the stress, always very intense and high precaution. How to make trust with users let them express their feeling without retention will be challenged.


Develop phone and computer versions base on the same concept.


human being in the stress, always very intense and high precaution. How to make trust with users let them express their feeling without retention will be challenged.

UI Flow And Wireframe

Before I start visual design and creating layout. I try to figure out what would be the logical architecture that user easily to use and with good navigation.

After finishing UI Flow and Information architecture. I design kept the first version of the product simple, as I wanted there to be only one clear reason as to why users would use Yoga Heartto relieve their pressure using a heart monitor, yoga, and psychological assessment.Too many functionalities can confuse the users. More features can be added as the product matures.

Design Deliverables

Features 1 - Sign Up Process

Provide reassurance about privacy

By explaining why each piece of personal information is needed, user are more likely to trust the app with their mental health data too.

Provide hints

Let user to benchmark their app experience with inspirations from other users.

Features 2 - Measuring

Visualize how to measure heart rate

Help new users can quickly get started. Measure reminder can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.

Display the heart rhythm wavelength and measurement progress

Communicating the current measure state allows users to feel in control of the system, take appropriate actions to reach their goal.

Features 3 - Yoga Section History

Organize daily heart rate and exercise history

Intuitive see body last 7 days health level, allow users to take control of body and heart health. Encourage users to maintain their health by showing various sentences.

Export report or share with someone

Allow users to export data have a copy.

Features 4 - Yoga Section

Aesthetic and minimalist yoga types

Normally yoga apps in market provide various of yoga. To keep the app simple, around 4-6 types yoga enough for user.

Flexibility speed and music controller

Allow user to adjust the yoga speed to fit their need. Provide mute music, let users can listen to what they like.

Features 5 - Music

Music player

Base on user data, customize user’s playlist.

Features 5 - Stress History

Diary to record user mood

Encourage users to write their feeling or even take pictures on their yoga time to relieve thoughts in mind and record their exercise.

Test stress level

This test is especially suitable for people who want to learn more about their stress level. Since then, efficiency has improved and mental health has been enhanced.

UI Library

Learning & Takeaway

Taking full ownership of the work helps me deeply think through each step in the design process, and ultimately bring the idea from conception to execution. I learned two most important things in the process:

Always think about user value

the product we deliver to people should be meaningful, that necessary to deep understanding of what people really need.

Time Management

At first, I’m not really sure how long it’s take for entire project. I discovered and define user needs, but everything gets more complicated when design, testing, and implementation meet together. At same time, I try to break down the tasks into pieces and develop them one by one.

I follow design process from understanding user to structure function map and UI flow them I sketch layout, finally make Lo-fi to Hi -fi wireframe and prototype.Usability Test still running now. I will update as soon as when I complete.

Feel free to reach out. Let’s do something best !

© Emily Lin 2022

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Let's go through to next project !!

Feel free to reach out. Let’s do something best !

© Emily Lin 2022